@article{oai:rakuno.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001349, author = {山口, 太一 and 瀧澤, 一騎 and 柴田, 啓介}, issue = {2}, journal = {トレーニング科学}, month = {Jun}, note = {Article, 本研究の目的は下肢筋群のスタティックストレッチング(SS)が陸上競技中長距離選手の持久走パフォーマンスに及ぼす急性の影響を明らかにすることであった.大学陸上競技部中長距離選手7名が2つの前処置後に持久走パフォーマンスを測定した.前処置は1) 安静保持のコントロール,2) 下肢5筋群に20秒×1セットのSSを実施するSS処置であった.持久走パフォーマンス指標は運動継続時間および総走行距離とし,各被験者は最大酸素摂取量(VO_2max)の90%相当強度の速度に設定したトレッドミル上で疲労困懲に至るまで走運動を継続し,記録した.運動継続時間および総走行距離は両処置間で有意差は認められなかった.90%VO_2max相当強度は陸上競技の3000mあるいは5000m種目の強度に相当する.よって,陸上競技中長距離選手による20秒×1セットのSSの実施は当該競技のパフォーマンスに好影響を及ぼさないものの,少なくとも悪影響も及ぼさないことが示唆される. The purpose of the present study was to clarify the acute effect of static stretching for one set of 20 seconds on relative high-intensity endurance running performance. The endurance running performances of seven middle or long distance male runners were assessed on a treadmill following two types of pretreatment. The pretreatments were control (CON) and static stretching treatment (SST). In the SST, each subject carried out self-static stretching for one set of 20 seconds on five muscle groups (i.e., hip extensors and flexors, leg extensors and flexors, and plantar flexors) in lower extremities. The endurance running performances were evaluated by time to exhaustion (TTE) and total running distance (TRD) during running at a velocity equivalent to 90% maximum oxygen uptake (VO_2max) in each subject. The oxygen uptake (VO_2) during running was measured as index of running economy (RE). The TTE and the TRD were not significant differences between SST (TTE: 792.0 ± 281.2 seconds; TRD: 3659.6 ± 1137.1 m) and CON (TTE: 785.3 ± 206.2 seconds; TRD: 3616.9 ± 783.3 m). The changes in V0_2 during running also did not significantly differ between the pretreatments. The results demonstrated that the SST did not change the endurance performance and the RE of running at a velocity equivalent to 90% VO_2max in middle- and long-distance runners. This running velocity is equivalent to that for a 3000 or 5000-meter race. Our finding suggests that performing the static stretching routine during warm-up before the race does not affect the performance in middle- and long-distance runners.}, pages = {93--102}, title = {下肢5筋群に対する20秒×1セットのスタティックストレッチングが陸上競技中長距離選手の持久走パフォーマンスに及ぼす急性の効果}, volume = {26}, year = {2015} }