@article{oai:rakuno.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000189, author = {山田, 未知 and Yamada, Michi and 西藤, 寛人 and Nishifuji, Hiroto and 山中, 将彦 and Yamanaka, Masahiko and 武田, 陽介 and Takeda, Yousuke and 池原, 麻友美 and Ikehara, Mayumi and 山田, 幸二 and Yamada, Kouji and 中辻, 浩喜 and Nakatsuji, Hiroki}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本養豚学会誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {journal article, 高水分未利用原料に対する乾燥前の凍結解凍・脱水処理が,原料からの水分除去と乾燥後原料の栄養成分,人工消化試験によるブタの乾物および粗タンパク質消化率に及ぼす影響について検討した。本研究には原料として出荷時に切り落とされる生アスパラガスの茎部(アスパラ),規格外ジャガイモ(ジャガイモ)および廃棄された豆腐(豆腐)を供試した。処理区は,原料をそのまま活用した無処理区,乾燥前に原料を脱水機で脱水した脱水区,凍結後に解凍した凍結区,凍結解凍後に脱水処理を施した凍脱区とした。上記処理後のアスパラでは,無処理区と脱水区に比べて,凍結区,凍脱区の順に水分含量は減少し(P<0.05),水分除去率は増加した(P<0.05)。ジャガイモと豆腐の水分含量は無処理区,脱水区,凍結区,凍脱区の順に減少し(P<0.05),水分除去率は増加した(P<0.05)。これら処理原料の乾燥終了までの所要時間は無処理区と脱水区に比べ凍結区と凍脱区は約1/2に短縮された(P<0.05)。栄養成分含量は,アスパラとジャガイモの粗タンパク質と粗灰分が無処理区に比べ凍結区と凍脱区で減少し(P<0.05),炭水化物は増加した(P<0.05)。粗脂肪は,アスパラでは無処理区に比べ凍結区と凍脱区が増加し(P<0.05),逆にジャガイモは減少した(P<0.05)。豆腐は各区の栄養成分含量に有意な差はみられなかった。人工消化試験による各区乾燥後原料の粗タンパク質消化率および豆腐の乾物消化率は各区間に有意な差はみられなかったが,アスパラとジャガイモの乾物消化率では無処理区と脱水区に比べ凍結区と凍脱区で減少した(P<0.05)。以上の結果から凍結解凍およびその後の脱水処理は高水分原料から効率的に水分を除去でき,乾燥所要時間短縮を図れることが確認できたが,凍結解凍後の脱水処理は,原料中の水溶性栄養成分の溶出を促進させることが考えられた。, The effect of freeze-thawing and dehydration on water removal and nutrient changes in high-moisture unutilized raw materials and digestibility were investigated using artificial digestion experiments. In this study, the cut lower portions of asparagus stalks, non-standard potatoes and waste tofu were used as typical unutilized raw materials with a high water content. Four treatments were studied: a control treatment - using the raw materials as received; a dehydration treatment - using a dehydrator; a freeze-thawing treatment - thawing after freezing; and a freeze-thawing dehydration treatment - dehydrating after freezing and thawing. For asparagus, the moisture content and rate of moisture removal after the control (raw materials) and dehydration treatments were not significantly different, but after the freeze-thawing and freeze-thawing dehydration treatments, the moisture content was lower and the rate of moisture removal was higher compared with the control (raw materials) and dehydration treatments. In contrast, the moisture content of the potato and tofu was lowest after the freeze-thawing dehydration treatment, followed in increasing order by the freeze-thawing, dehydration and control (raw materials) treatments, with the rate of moisture removal from highest to lowest being in reverse order. The times required for drying in the freeze-thawing and freeze-thawing dehydration treatments were approximately half those required for the control (raw materials) and dehydration treatments. The contents of crude protein and crude ash in the asparagus and potato decreased in the order of control (raw materials), dehydration, freeze-thawing and freeze-thawing dehydration treatments, with the contents of carbohydrate increasing in both asparagus and potato. The crude fat content of asparagus increased in the order of the control (raw materials), dehydration, freeze-thawing and freeze-thawing dehydration treatments, and decreased in potato. There was no difference in the nutrient contents of tofu between the four treatments. There was no difference in digestibility of crude protein measured by the artificial digestion experiments between asparagus, potato and tofu. The dry matter digestibility of asparagus and potato after the freeze-thawing and freeze-thawing dehydration treatments was lower than that after the control (raw materials) and dehydration treatments. The dry matter digestibility of asparagus and potato after the freeze-thawing and freeze-thawing dehydration treatments was lower than that after the control (raw materials) and dehydration treatments, but there was no difference in tofu between the four treatments. These results suggest that freeze-thawing or freeze-thawing dehydration treatments effectively removed water from the raw materials thus shortening their drying times, although these treatments affected the nutrient content and dry matter digestibility.}, pages = {157--166}, title = {高水分未利用飼料原料の凍結解凍・脱水処理が原料からの水分除去率と栄養成分および人工消化試験によるブタの乾物および粗タンパク質消化率に及ぼす影響}, volume = {59}, year = {2022} }