@article{oai:rakuno.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002753, author = {米富, 大祐 and 山田, 恵理子 and 華園, 究 and 中村, 晃三 and 山根, 由久 and 前谷, 茂樹 and 井尻, 篤木 and 峯岸, 則之 and 中出, 哲也}, issue = {1}, journal = {動物臨床医学, Journal of Animal Clinical Medicine}, month = {Mar}, note = {Article, Caudal occipital malformation syndrome (COMS) in dogs is a disorder similar to human Chiari type-1 malformation. With increased availability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), COMS has come to be recognized as an increasingly prevalent condition in dogs. We made a retrospective study of 30 dogs in which COMS was diagnosed by MRI in order to identify the clinical signs and neurological findings, and elucidate their relationship to the MRI results. The most frequent clinical signs and neurological findings were seizures, vestibular syndrome, and depressed postural reactions. MRI disclosed herniation of the cerebellum compatible with a Chiari type-1 malformation, attenuation or obliteration of the dorsal subarachnoid space at the cervicomedullary junction, and rostral displacement of the caudal cerebellum by the occipital bone. In some dogs, a "kinked" appearance of the caudal medulla, hydrocephalus or enlarged lateral ventricle, and syringohydromyelia were also noted. The clinical signs and neurological findings showed no correlation with the MRI results. In dogs, therefore, MRI is necessary for diagnosing COMS and leading to a plan for management and treatment of the syndrome. 犬の後頭骨形成不全症候群(COMS)は, 人のキアリI型奇形に類似した疾患であり, 近年のMRI検査の普及によりその病態が解明されつつある。痙攣発作, 斜頸, 姿勢反応の低下などの神経症状を示した犬30頭に対しMRI検査を実施したところ, 小脳の尾側変位・圧迫像, 延髄・頸髄境界部背側のくも膜下腔の狭窄・閉塞像, 同領域における脊髄の折れ曲がり像, 脳室の拡張, 脊髄空洞症など, COMSにみられる画像所見が認められた。これらの症状は様々であり,画像上COMSの所見を複数認める場合でも,症状が軽微なものもあり, 画像所見と神経症状を関連づけることは困難であった。しかしながらMRI検査を実施することでCOMSに関連する異常所見の有無や程度を知ることは,正確な責任病変の特定と治療計画を立てる上でも必要であると考えられた。}, pages = {9--13}, title = {犬の後頭骨形成不全症候群におけるMRI所見と神経症状との関連性}, volume = {19}, year = {2010} }