@article{oai:rakuno.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002847, author = {星野, 佑治 and 玉置, 和之 and 稲山, 一成 and 上野, 光敏 and 永易, 彩 and 保坂, 善真 and UEDA, Hiromi and 植田, 弘美 and 竹花, 一成}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本畜産学会報, The Japanese journal of zootechnical science}, month = {May}, note = {Article, 飼料成分の違いによる仔豚空腸絨毛の変化を,形態学的手法を用いて評価した。同腹7頭の仔豚のうち,離乳直後1頭を無処理群とし,3頭を乳製品原料主体飼料給餌群(乳製品飼料群),3頭を植物原料主体飼料給餌群(植物飼料群)に区分し用いた。離乳する6日前から餌付けを行い,離乳後,乳製品飼料群には乳製品を主体とした飼料を,植物飼料群には植物原料を主体とした飼料をそれぞれ給餌し,飲水は自由とした。体重増加割合は離乳3日後および14日後で,乳製品飼料群よりも植物飼料群の方が高かった。絨毛長は離乳3日後,吸収上皮細胞の大きさは離乳14日後,微絨毛長は離乳3日後および14日後に,いずれも乳製品飼料群に比べ植物飼料群で有意に増大していた。また,離乳3日後において乳製品飼料群に比べ植物飼料群では吸収上皮細胞の剥離はほとんど観察されなかった。その要因としては,乳製品飼料群よりも植物飼料群に与えた飼料の方が消化され易い成分構成であったことが考えられ,それ故に絨毛や吸収上皮細胞の成長が促進されたものと思われる。以上の結果より,離乳後に植物主体の飼料を与えることによって仔豚の空腸絨毛の成長が促進され,吸収面積が増大して栄養素の吸収効率が向上したことが示唆された。 The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological responses of the absorptive apparatus of the jejunum to di erent diet ingredients in weaning pigs. In this study, seven crossbred (Landrace×Large Yorkshire×Duroc) pigs, they were a litter, were used after weaning. Before weaning, they fed with creep feed for six days. Six pigs were divided into two groups ; one received dairy-based feed and the other received vegetable-based feed. The remaining pig was used as a non-treatment control. Dairy-based feed contained mainly animal-based feed, and vegetable-based feed contained mainly oil-seed cake and meal. Drinking water was provided ad libitum throughout the experimental period. Jejunum samples were collected immediately after weaning from a non-treated control pig (D0). The similar samples were collected from each 3 pigs of dairy-based feed and vegetable-based feed groups respectively, on 3 (D3) and 14 days (D14) after weaning. The samples were processed for morphological observation of absorptive epithelial cells and heights of villi and microvilli. A significant increase in height of intestinal villi on D3 and in size of the absorptive cells on D14 were found in animals that received vegetable-based feed , ultrastructural transition of epithelial cells on D3 . An increases in microvilli height on D3 and D14 were seen in animals that received vegetable-based feed. Presumably, the ingredients of vegetable-based feed are more easily digested and absorbed through the intestinal wall than are ingredients of dairy-based feed. As a result, the growth of intestinal villi and (growth of) absorptive epithelial cells in vegetable-based feed group were greater than those in dairy-based feed group, leading to a more e cient absorptive function of the small intestine.}, pages = {171--177}, title = {飼料成分の違いによる空腸絨毛の形態学的変化}, volume = {80}, year = {2009} }