@article{oai:rakuno.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005206, author = {小林, 道 and 上田, 積 and 千田, 奈々}, issue = {5}, journal = {栄養学雑誌 = The Japanese journal of nutrition and dietetics}, month = {Oct}, note = {Article, 【目的】日本食パターンは,抑うつ症状に予防的であることが報告されている。しかし,知見は十分でなく,若年層を対象とした研究はほとんどない。本研究では大学生を対象として,日本食パターンと抑うつ症状の関連を明らかにすることを目的とした。【方法】研究対象者は北海道にあるA大学管理栄養士課程の学生とした。調査内容は,年齢等の基本属性及び生活習慣に関する項目,食品摂取量の評価は,簡易式食事歴質問票(BDHQ)を用いた。抑うつ症状はCES-Dを用いて,16点以上を「抑うつ症状あり」とした。日本食パターンは,11種類の食品摂取量を残差法でエネルギー調整後,得点化を行い,その合計点を日本食得点とした。日本食得点と抑うつ症状の関連は,多変量ロジスティック回帰分析を用いて検討した。【結果】質問紙は,女性142名のうち135名から回収した(回収率:95.5%)。そのうち,抑うつ症状が認められた者は,68名(50.3%)であった。多変量ロジスティック回帰分析の結果,日本食得点の低群を1とした場合のオッズ比(95%信頼区間)は,中群でOR:0.30(95%CI:0.11~0.80),高群でOR:0.22(0.08~0.60)であった。【結論】日本食パターンと抑うつ症状の間に負の関連があることが明らかとなった。若年層においては,日本食パターンを意識した食事が,抑うつ症状の予防に役立つ可能性がある。, Objective: Several previous studies showed that the Japanese dietary pattern helps prevent depressive symptoms. However, these studies have not been conducted with young adults. Therefore, the present study aimed to explore this relationship in a young adult population of college students. Methods: In October 2015, students of one university in Hokkaido, all of whom were registered in a dietetics course, were enrolled in this study. Food consumption was assessed using a brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire. We defined the Japanese Dietary Score (JDS), which comprises 11 types of food scores which were weighted using the median value of food consumption. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the 20-item version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale. In this study, a score of 16 or greater was defined as indicating depressive symptoms. A multiple logistic regression analysis was used for conducting statistical comparisons of the association between the JDS and depressive symptoms. Results: Of the female students we approached, 135 (95.5%) replied to the survey. Sixty-eight students were identified as having depressive symptoms (50.3%). The results of the logistic regression analysis showed significantly lower depressive symptoms in those who fell in the second and third tertiles of the JDS (odds ratios: 0.30 and 0.22, 95% confidence interval = 0.11-0.80 and 0.08-0.60, respectively), as compared to those in the first tertile of the JDS. Conclusions: The Japanese dietary pattern may be related to a lower risk of depressive symptoms. Our results may be useful for the prevention of depression in young adults.}, pages = {141--147}, title = {女子大学生における日本食パターンと抑うつ症状の関連}, volume = {74}, year = {2016} }