@article{oai:rakuno.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006462, author = {小林, 道}, issue = {4}, journal = {栄養学雑誌}, month = {Aug}, note = {Article, 【目的】地域住民を対象として,炭水化物エネルギー比率(%E)による食品群別摂取量・栄養素等摂取量の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。【方法】2018年7月~8月に,北海道江別市に在住する20歳以上の市民3,000名を対象として自記式質問紙調査を行った。研究対象者は層化無作為抽出によって選ばれた。最終的な解析対象者は1,431名であった。質問内容は,性・年齢などの基本属性,既往歴の有無,生活習慣,簡易型食事歴質問票(BDHQ)等による食習慣とした。エネルギー産生栄養素バランスは,炭水化物%Eを四分位値により4群とし,食品群別摂取量及び栄養素摂取量との関連を検討した。【結果】食品群別摂取量では,炭水化物%Eが高まるほど,穀類が有意に増加する傾向にあり,そのほかの食品群の摂取量は有意に低下した。加えて,炭水化物%Eが低くなるほど,栄養素摂取量は有意に増加する傾向が認められた。【結論】炭水化物エネルギー比率が低い群は,高い群と比較して栄養素摂取量が全般的には良好な傾向を示した。また,男性では炭水化物%Eが低い群で高血圧の有病率が低かったことから,野菜を中心とした多様な食品を摂取すること及び飲酒量を減少させることにより炭水化物%Eの増加を抑えることが,高血圧症のリスク低減に寄与する可能性がある。, Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of food and nutritional intake grouped according to carbohydrate energy ratio in community-dwelling people in Japan. Methods: The study participants were community-dwelling adults, aged ≥ 20 years who lived in Ebetsu city, Hokkaido, Japan. Of the 3,000 male and female adults selected by stratified random sampling, 1,431 were included in the analyses. Data on dietary habits, history of disease, and lifestyle factors were obtained between July and August 2018 using a self-administered standardized questionnaire (a validated, brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire). Dietary habits during the past month were assessed using the questionnaire. An analysis of covariance was used to examine the associations between the quartiles of carbohydrate energy ratio and consumption of food and nutrients. Results: Participants with a higher carbohydrate energy ratio had a significantly higher intake of grains and a significantly lower intake of foods from other food groups other than grains. Participants with a lower carbohydrate energy ratio had a significantly higher intake of nutrients compared with those with a higher carbohydrate energy ratio. Conclusions: Participants with a lower carbohydrate energy ratio tended to have a favorable intake of nutrients. In addition, male participants with a lower carbohydrate energy ratio had a lower prevalence of hypertension compared with those with a higher carbohydrate energy ratio, possibly affected by the sodium-potassium ratio and alcohol intake. A prospective study is needed to further investigate these effects.}, pages = {97--104}, title = {地域住民における炭水化物エネルギー比率と栄養素摂取量の関連}, volume = {77}, year = {2019} }