@article{oai:rakuno.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006754, author = {山中, 麻帆 and 浅野, 桂吾 and 林, 英明 and 河井, 重幸 and 平山, 琢二}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本畜産学会報}, month = {}, note = {Article, 本研究では,ウシに市販海藻飼料を給与した場合の糞中IgA, VFA濃度および糞便性状について調査し,腸管免疫賦活活性に与える影響について検討した.試験には黒毛和種の経産牛4頭を用い,海藻飼料を給与する区(海藻区)および給与しない区(対照区)に2頭ずつ分け,給与Ⅰ期(10日間),休止期(13日間),給与Ⅱ期(10日間)の3期からなる2×2のクロスオーバー法で実施した.糞中IgA濃度の変化量は,海藻区が対照区に比べ有意に増加した(P<0.05).一方,糞pH値および糞中VFA濃度は両区ともに正常範囲内で推移し,海藻飼料の給与の有無で差は認められなかった.また,糞中VFA濃度と糞中IgA濃度との間にも相関は認められなかった.以上から,ウシへの市販海藻飼料の添加給与は,腸内微生物叢には影響しないものの,腸管免疫を活性化させることが示唆された., The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of feeding seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) on the activating intestinal immune system of Japanese Black cow. We studied the influence of feeding seaweed on fecal immunoglobulin A (IgA), volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration, and fecal characteristics of Japanese Black cow. The examination was carried out by a 2×2 cross-over design with arranging two cattle each treatment group (SW ; seaweed fed group, C ; seaweed non-fed group). Measuring items were as follows : fecal score, pH, water content, IgA and VFA concentrations. Difference on day1 to day10 of fecal IgA concentration was significantly higher in the SW group compared with C group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in fecal pH and VFA concentration between the groups. There was no correlation between fecal IgA and VFA concentrations. These results indicated that intake of seaweed improved intestinal immune system of Japanese Black cow. On the other hand, we considered that the intestinal microbiota does not appear to be involved in this effect.}, pages = {375--379}, title = {市販海藻飼料の添加給与が黒毛和種繁殖牛の糞中IgAおよびVFA濃度ならびに糞便性状に与える影響}, volume = {91}, year = {2020} }