@article{oai:rakuno.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007171, author = {小林, 道}, issue = {3}, journal = {栄養学雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {Article, 【目的】地域住民を対象として,中食の利用頻度と食品群別摂取量及び栄養素等摂取量の関連を明らかにすることを目的とした。【方法】2018年7月~8月に,北海道江別市に在住する20~74歳の成人を対象として,自記式質問紙調査を行った。食品群別摂取量及び栄養素等摂取量は,簡易型自記式食事歴法質問票(BDHQ)により評価した。最終的な解析対象者は1,469名(男性:625名,女性:844名)であった。中食の利用頻度と食品群別摂取量及び栄養素等摂取量との関連は,共分散分析を用いて検討した。【結果】男性では,中食の利用頻度が週1回未満の群と比較して,週2回以上の群で,緑黄色野菜類,その他の野菜類,食物繊維,カリウム,カルシウム,マグネシウム,葉酸,ビタミンCの摂取量が有意に低く,女性では,これらの食品群と栄養素等に加えて,豆類,卵類,動物性たんぱく質,動物性脂質,鉄,亜鉛,銅,ビタミンA,ビタミンB1,ビタミンB2,ナイアシン,ビタミンB6 の摂取量が有意に低かった。男女ともに中食の利用頻度が週2回以上の群では,ナトリウム・カリウム比(Na/K比)が有意に高かった。【結論】中食の利用頻度が週2回以上の群では,野菜類摂取量が低く,それに伴って食物繊維及び複数のビタミンなどの摂取量が低値を示し,Na/K比が高まる可能性を認めた。中食の利用頻度が高い場合には,Na/K比を低くするために野菜類摂取量の増加に留意する必要性が考えられた。, Objective: This study aimed to clarify an association between the frequency of using ready-made meals (RMM) and intake of food groups and nutrients among community-dwelling adults. Methods: The study participants were community-dwelling residents aged 20–74 years in Ebetsu city, Hokkaido, Japan. The survey data were obtained using a self-administered questionnaire from July to August 2018. Intake of food group and nutrients was assessed using a validated brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire. A total of 1,469 participants (625 men and 844 women) were eligible for the present analysis. To clarify an association between the frequency of using RMM and intake of food group and nutrients, we conducted an analysis of covariance. Results: Compared to participants using RMM less than once a week, male participants using RMM twice or more a week showed significantly lower intake of green and yellow vegetables, other vegetables, total dietary fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, folate, and Vitamin C. Women using RMM twice or more a week showed significantly lower intake of the above food groups and nutrients, beans, eggs, animal protein and fats, iron, zinc, copper, Vitamin (A, B1, B2, and B6), and niacin. Participants using RMM twice or more a week had a higher sodium-potassium ratio than those using RMM less than once a week. Conclusions: This study indicated that using RMM twice or more a week leads to a lower intake of food groups and nutrients and a higher sodium-potassium ratio. People who frequently use RMM should pay attention to increasing vegetable intake to decrease the sodium-potassium ratio.}, pages = {126--133}, title = {地域住民における中食の利用頻度と食品群別摂取量・栄養素等摂取量の関連}, volume = {79}, year = {2021} }