@article{oai:rakuno.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000765, author = {岡本, 英竜 and 新堂, ゆい and 宮川, 栄一 and 松田, 従三}, journal = {北海道畜産学会報, Animal Science and Agriculture Hokkaido}, month = {Mar}, note = {Article, 乳牛ふん尿を固液分離した液分を試料として,液状コンポスト化,いわゆる曝気処理をおこない,微生物の代謝活性と細菌群集を分子生態でモニターした.曝気は,連続曝気,連続曝気後8時間/日の間欠曝気,8時間/日および12時間/日の間欠曝気の4つの運転条件でおこなった.すべての実験区において,運転開始後12時間までは,微生物の代謝活性には変化が無く,微生物代謝が活性化する傾向は認められなかった.微生物代謝活性の上昇が早かったものは連続曝気であり,間欠曝気では,遅れて高まった.各処理区における微生物代謝活性のピークは,25~30℃の範囲であり,どの処理区においても共通であった,微生物代謝活性の最高値となる時期付近で,液温の急激な上昇が,すべての実験区において認められた.分子生態でのモニターより,すべての実験区において,曝気開始数時間で,初発の細菌群集と異なる細菌群集を形成した.微生物活性が低い低温ステージと連続曝気において最高温度となった約50℃のステージでの細菌群集構造は同じであり,一度形成された細菌群集は変動しないことが明らかとなった.Liquid composting was examined which uses liquid that is separated from dairy cattle manure. In this case, the metabolic activity of microbes. and the structure of bacterial community were investigated. Aeration was performed using the four following methods: continuous aeration, continuous-intermittent aeration(done8hoursperdayaftercontinuousaeration),intermittent aeration done 8 hours per day and intermittent aeration done 12 hours per day. In each of the aeration methods, the metabolic activities of the microbes were not able to be recognized at a period from the onset to l2 hours. The increase in the metabolic activity of the micxobes as a result of continuous aeration occurred earlier than that of intermittent aeration. In all aeration methods, the highest value of metabolic activity ranged from 25 to 300℃. In addition, a rapid increase in the temperature of the liquid manure was recognized around indicating the highest value. The bacterial communities formed immediately after aeration were similar in all the aeration methods. It was clarified that changes in the stricture of bacterial community were not observed in spite of differences in the temperature transition.}, pages = {51--56}, title = {乳牛ふん尿の液状コンポスト化における微生物活性}, volume = {49}, year = {2007} }